May is National Geriatric Care Manager Month. Call us Monday, May 21 to see how we can help you!
May is National Geriatric Care Manager’s Month. This is a great time to remind yourself that providing care for an elderly family member is a challenging task and it is important to take care of yourself. A recently released study by Harris Interactive reports that 88% of respondents report experiencing stress when caring for a loved one.
Other interesting facts included:
• Overall, more than three quarters (78%) of caregivers and those concerned with caring for aging family members in the future, agree that a geriatric care manager would be a valuable resource when caring for an aging parent/family member.
• Older adults age 45+ who care for or are concerned about caring for aging family members (85%) are more likely to agree that a Geriatric Care Manager would be a valuable resource than those who are age 18-34 (71%) or 35-44 (75%).
• Those in the Midwest (80%) and South (82%) are significantly more likely to agree with this statement than those in the West (69%). It is interesting that the study does not mention the East.
• Six in ten caregivers (60%) agree that balancing responsibilities caring for an aging parent/family member with their own work/family responsibilities is sometimes a struggle.
• More than half of caregivers (54%) agree that there are times they need help with certain aspects of caring for an aging parent/family member and don’t know where to get that help.
From the stress of managing a loved one’s medical needs to the challenges of balancing caregiving and other family responsibilities, you may sometimes feel overwhelmed.
We are here to help and would like to offer a free consultation via phone. Call the Aviv Centers for Living Geriatric Care Management office at 781-973-1553 from 9 a.m.-12 on Monday, May 21 and tell us how we can help you.