A Far Cry From The Old Folks Home
A Poem by Jack Zimmerman, Activities Assistant at the Chelsea Jewish Lifecare
I remember when all alone
Old people lived in an Old Folks Home
No activities for one to share
Watching life go by in a rocking chair
Back and forth going nowhere
Listening to the phone or radio
Nothing to do no place to go
Alas, look at what’s happened over the years
Like a dream no more fears
Today folks have a house and a home
Where no resident is left alone
A caring staff united they stand
Never failing to lend a helping hand
Meals served in style and all the while
An elegant venue with alternate choices on the menu
Recreational activities provide
Fun filled choices far and wide
Or if one wants the ultimate diversion
Enjoy and partake in an outside excursion
Sign up and you’re on your way
To a restaurant trip on a given day
The recreation is truly non-stopping
Mystery rides, theater, or join in for shopping
So you see, you are never alone
A far cry from the Old Folks Home!