What’s Happening at Leonard Florence Center for Living
May is always a busy time of year and this month is no exception. Our Mother’s Day celebration was festive and fun. All of our women residents received colorful flowers in honor of the special day.
Mother’s Day “Big Bucks” Bingo was a huge success! This year, as in the last five years, the game was dedicated to the memory of Ethel Weiss, who was a beloved resident at LFCL. Her daughter, Judy Weiss, generously contributes to all CJL campuses this “high stakes” version of Bingo can be played at all the residences on Mother’s Day. It was Ethel’s favorite game and Judy is glad Ethel is remembered in this special way.
Other activities included exercise classes, jigsaw puzzles and much-requested YouTube concerts. Each a different artist and era of music are played for the residents. It’s definitely a lively time.
We have also held celebrations in honor of National Nurses Week. Flowers, raffles, candy bags, snack cups and the always popular dessert food truck helped us pay tribute to our exceptionally dedicated nursing staff. We are in awe of their courage and commitment.
After a much too long absence, we are thrilled that the Summer Concert Series will be back and better than ever. Led by everyone’s favorite musician, Jimmy Honohan, the concerts will be fun and lively. Coming up on May 25, singer Jodi Ebling will delight residents with many popular Broadway favorites. Mark your calendars now!
May Birthdays
Wishing our wonderful residents a very Happy Birthday!
May 2: Marjorie Grande
May 4: Agnes Haverty
May 6: Allison Asci
May 8: Dennis Guglielmetti
May 11: Alison Fingerman
May 12: Louis Todisco
May 14: Anthony Morelli
May 15: Michael Robbins
May 23: Kevin Goeller
May 25: Mary Mulledy
May 29: Lillian Greenberg