March 10, 2021

What’s Happening at KCL

Purim celebration at Katzman Center for Living in Chelsea, MassachusettsPurim celebration at Katzman Center for Living in Chelsea, MassachusettsThe Jewish holiday of Purim, which celebrates the bravery of Queen Esther of Persia, was a festive time for all. The staff and residents recited a reading of the Megilllah, played games such as Haman and ate the traditional –and delicious– Purim Hamantashen cookies. Costume accessories, including colorful masks, hats, and necklaces, were worn by both staff and residents. There were smiles all around!

Passover, which commemorates the Exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt, leaving behind 400 years of living in slavery, and moving toward freedom in the promised land, will begin the end of March. This year we are planning a small, socially distanced Seder. More details will be available soon.

Staff and residents wished Ed Stewart well as he embarked upon his “retirement.” Ed has been a beloved figure at KCL for the last six years.  But don’t despair that you won’t see Ed again soon. He’s still an integral part of the Chelsea Jewish Lifecare team. And while Ed will be greatly missed, KCL is very lucky to have Executive Director Jill Tura to take the helm!