October 14, 2021

What’s Happening at Cohen Florence Levine Estates and Florence & Chafetz Specialized Care

The fall season has been a busy and time at Cohen Florence Levine Estates and Florence & Chafetz. Our first Country Western Day was a huge success! Festivities included popular country music songs, Western style food, creative costumes, and fun-filled games. The Activity Room was the place to be as staff and residents participated in such games as “Pin the Tail on the Donkey” and “Bean Bag” toss. Residents and staff came decked out in cowboy hats, bandanas, cowboy boots, western vests and more.

To top the day off, residents enjoyed an outdoor concert, led by beloved Jimmy Honohan, who performed a medley of country music songs such as “Hey Good Looking,” “Your Cheating Heart” and “Margaritaville.” The highlight of the concert: residents were treated to line dancing by the staff. Who knew we had such a talented staff? Let’s hope that Country Western Day becomes an annual event at the assisted living.

Ada Baker’s birthday celebration was held outside on a beautiful fall day. The party included dancing, cake, balloons and a beaming Ada. Wishing you a very happy birthday Ada!

The residents were dazzled by local celebrity magician Bonaparte on October 12. His unique comedy act and magical antics had the group laughing throughout the show. It was definitely one of the month’s highlights. Coming up on the horizon: restaurant outings to Applebee’s and Bertucci’s; a Fall Foliage ride to Brooksby Farm, where residents will sample delicious seasonal treats and weekly Zoom concerts. and a special birthday celebration featuring Latin Guitarist Carlos Odria.

Our book club continues to be a highly anticipated event every month. Residents and staff are now reading the best-selling Girl on a Train, the psychological thriller by English novelist Paula Hawkins. It should make for a very lively discussion.

In honor of the many birthdays in October, we will be holding a very special celebration featuring famed Latin guitarist Carlos Odria on October 26. Carlos, a professional jazz, and world guitarist with more than 15 years of experience, has been described as a “breathtakingly talented musician.” This show promises to be a very memorable event.

Happy Birthday to all our wonderful residents who are celebrating this month!