The Booster Vaccine Helps Keep the Virus Away!
Our organization has been working hard to make sure our residents and staff have access to the COVID-19 booster vaccine, which offers increased protection against all strains of the coronavirus. Essentially, a Covid-19 booster vaccine gives an additional “boost” of protection after the initial protection from the first round of vaccines begins to decline. For already vaccinated individuals, the booster maintains the level of protection. These vaccines go a long way to keeping us all healthy, making the booster a top priority for Chelsea Jewish Lifecare.
Karen Petruccelli RN MSN, Vice President of Clinical Quality and Education at Chelsea Jewish Lifecare, noted that the pandemic has taken a toll on senior living communities across the country. “All of us have been truly affected by this contagious destructive virus,” said Petruccelli. “Since early 2020, we have endured illness, loss of life, isolation from loved ones and disruption from our familiar routines. The advent of a vaccine, however, has brought a strong measure of hope.”
“It is vital that we continue to take measures to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our community as a whole,” explained Petruccelli. “The extra protection that a booster provides is central to limiting the spread of infection, and with it, a return to our daily routines.”
With the colder weather upon us, we are forced to be indoors more frequently. Consequently, the potential for exposure to the Covid-19 virus increases for all of us. A booster assists in protecting individuals against the virus as well as protects the people we come into contact with on a daily basis. In general, people are apt to have milder symptoms after being vaccinated if they do, in fact, contract the virus. The virility of sars-cov-2 continues be a formidable invisible enemy.
Petruccelli summed up the importance of the booster shot. “The fight’s certainly not over, but we now have an additional weapon at our disposal. Every day we come closer to returning to a new normal — one filled with companionship, activities, and good health!