January 29, 2016

Safety Is Our Top Priority

By Sergio Armando Alarcon, Director of Plant Operations, The Estates on Admiral’s Hill
At the Estates on Admiral’s Hill, we strive to ensure the safety of our residents within our traditional and memory care Assisted Living Facilities. With my team of dedicated staff, we routinely check on the building’s surroundings, as well as ensure the resident’s apartments are safe and secure. Some of the daily tasks we perform in the facilities include checking the heating systems, smoke detectors and call lights, in addition to making sure our equipment is clean, orderly and in functional condition. We also conduct quarterly checks on our alarms and sprinkler systems to ensure everything is in working order and up to date. My team and I also perform general cleaning and sanitation to help keep the facility and residents’ apartments clean and looking great. Our main focus is to address any complaints or suggestions immediately, no matter how big or small the task may be.
Thankfully, in the New Year thus far, we have been fortunate enough to see minimal snow fall, but we are prepared nonetheless for any snow storm surprises in our future. As always, we will ensure that all sidewalks are cleared and salted so our residents, family members and staff can get from one place to another safely. After all, at the Estates on Admiral’s Hill, our residents’ safety is our top priority!