Message from Megin Hemmerling, North Shore Regional President
Dear Residents and Families,
March is full of fun activities and celebrations. Our Purim Costume Contest was a big hit with both residents and staff. After a lively parade, residents voted for the best costume. Our staff chose very creative and colorful outfits. Take a look at the photos elsewhere in this newsletter.
On National Employee Appreciation Day, we honored our dedicated staff with “make you own sundaes” and a special announcement about the reinstated employee travel perks. We truly appreciate our wonderful employees who go above and beyond every single day.
I’d like to extend a huge thank you to our maintenance crew. They do a terrific job of keeping our walkways, entrances, and parking lots safe for us during inclement weather. As the saying goes, March “came in like a lion.” Let’s hope it goes “out like a lamb!”
All the best,
Megin L. Hemmerling
Regional President, Peabody
Chelsea Jewish Lifecare