Message from Adam Berman, CEO of Chelsea Jewish Lifecare
Dear Residents and Families,
January’s blizzard challenged us to fight a two fronted battle: cold, ice and snow on one front, and COVID-19 on the other. Confronted with near-zero temperatures and over 20 inches of snow, our loyal and hard-working staff rose, yet again, to the occasion. Each department, from environmental services to maintenance to dietary to nursing to activities, banded together to ensure the well-being of our residents. Our employees truly went above and beyond during the severe weather emergency. For this, I am both proud and grateful.
In other news, we are seeing COVID cases drop as quickly as they rose during the Omicron wave. Most staff have received their booster shots, and all eligible will have by the end of February. We may never be free of this virus, but we’re learning how best to live with it. I am optimistic about the days, weeks and months ahead.
Thank you for your continued support.
Adam Berman
Chelsea Jewish Lifecare