March 18, 2014


Do you have an older parent, neighbor or loved one who wants to remain independent and living on their own but you worry about their nutrition or ability to make meals for themselves?  One program you may want to consider contacting is the Meal On Wheels Program of Massachusetts.  Mass Resources online can help you navigate who is eligible, how to find a local program and how to sign up for the program.  Here are some of the main points-at-a-glance to help you get started.

What is Meals On Wheels? There are two components to this program.  The first is the mobile Meals on Wheels where prepared nutritious meals are delivered to home bound seniors age 60 or older and their spouses. The drivers who deliver the meals make daily contact and check on the well-being of seniors they visit. The drivers report any health or other problems they see during their visits.There are also Dining Centers such as Senior Centers, Churches, and Community Centers served lunch on weekdays to seniors age 60 or older. This part of the program allows seniors to socialize, get out and take part in activities that will keep them active.  There is transportation available to local dining centers if needed for non-driving seniors.

Who is Eligible? According to the Mass Resources Website . . .

  • To be eligible for Meals on Wheels, you must be a senior age 60 or over, homebound, and unable to cook your own meals at home.
  • To be eligible for Dining Center meals, you must be a senior age 60 or older, or the spouse of a senior.
  • There are no income limits or citizenship requirements for these programs. Non-citizens are welcome. No one will ask about your immigration status.

How do I sign up for help a senior sign up?
We suggest several methods to contact Meals on Wheel and enroll in the program.

  • Call the Massachusetts Office of Elder Affairs toll-free number: 1-800-882-2003
  • Call the Elderly Nutrition agency that serves your community
    use the Find a Local Program search tool to find a Meals on Wheels program