Message from Adam Berman, President of Chelsea Jewish Lifecare

Dear Residents and Families,
I’m delighted that we continue to see very few virus cases throughout our organization. With high vaccination rates for staff and residents alike, continued adherence to infection control practices, and regular surveillance testing, we have managed to contain the virus while following state and federal guidelines around re-opening. Though all levels of government are taking a conservative posture around the speed at which they relax restrictions, we do anticipate that things will continue to get better so long as cases continue to decline and vaccination rates continue to rise. Clearly, “returning to normal” – or the creation of a new normal – is not like flipping switch, but is a more gradual process. This all said, I am very excited by the progress that we have seen over these past several months and sincerely hope that the current trajectory continues in the days, weeks and months ahead.
On another note, in May we celebrate Nurses Week and observe Memorial Day. Each year we take the opportunity to celebrate our wonderful nursing staff, but this year it has even greater meaning. What they have done over the course of the past year is remarkable, and they have our eternal gratitude. In contrast to the celebratory nature of Nurses Week, Memorial Day is a more solemn affair. But at its root is a similar instinct, which is to recognize and honor those that live in service of – and, in the case of Memorial Day, have made the ultimate sacrifice for their fellow (wo)man. There are many heroes among us.
Adam Berman
Chelsea Jewish Lifecare