June 4, 2012

Hey seniors… GET A JOB!

Our twice monthly health series is authored by Patrice Cahill – Fitness Director at Aviv Centers for Living.
I bet for most of you, it’s been quite a while since you have held a job.  Some people remember retiring at 65, others early retirement around 60 years old or even as late as the age 70.
When people think back, I’m sure they have fond memories (or may not so fond memories) of working but even still, working kept most of the now retired seniors occupied, and in most cases they had to use their minds constantly and also moved around (probably a more than they  are doing now).
For these folks that need another motivation to get moving and to get working out, as always I have an idea!  Maybe those particular seniors should go back to “work” or in other words, “Get a Job!”  This can be pretty difficult and those people may think, “I am retired” or “I am older than I was when I held a Job” or “What can I do?”  However, I have found, if a person has something that they have to do and are responsible for on a day to day basis (like a job would be), that person will take that “job” more seriously and succeed at it!
This is why for a lot of seniors that I work with,  I tell them that their fitness program should be not always looked at like it is recreational or something to do just because they HAVE to, but to think of that fitness program as their new job.
In my experience, some people can work out simply because they should, others because their doctors’ told them to and even others because it’s fun.  For some, however, another motivation or purpose needs to exist for them to start and keep that fitness program going.
For that particular group, if is a reason to get the fitness program started and maintained, the act of actively participating and maintaining the fitness program needs to be viewed AS their job.
On the flip side,  I think it is pretty exciting to think that at an age when some people are ready for the rocking chair, there are seniors that are gearing up for their new career path or their new job which is their fitness program/lifestyle!
Even better, those “working” seniors also will get their “paycheck”!  The paycheck will be that renewed spark of energy and vitality that they felt when they launched their first careers many years ago!   So if this is you, and you relate to the words above, come closer and listen to me… “Get yourself a job!”