May 19, 2017

Harriett and Ralph Kaplan Estates Holds Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony

Peabody Advocate, Vol. 2, No. 20

May 19, 2017

“Harriett and Ralph Kaplan Estates, a traditional assist­ed living and memory support residence operated by Chel­sea Jewish Lifecare, officially unveiled its new interior spac­es after undergoing a dramat­ic $1.5 million renovation. A grand-reopening ribbon-cut­ting ceremony took place on Thursday, May 4 at 240 Lyn­nfield St. in Peabody. On hand for the festivities were mem­bers of the Kaplan family, Ka­plan Estates and Chelsea Jew­ish Lifecare staff and manage­ment personnel, residents and their families, and friends and community members.”

Continue reading the article here: Peabody Advocate Vol. 2 No. 20