EVS: We Are Building A Home
By Bill Rich, Director of Environmental Services, Leonard Florence Center for Living
Working in the Health Care industry for the past 25 years, I have acquired many extremely valuable skills. In fact, when I joined the team at the Leonard Florence Center for Living as the Director of EVS two years ago, I couldn’t imagine I’d learn much more. I was wrong.
Each day, I look forward to getting up and coming to work at the Leonard Florence Center for Living. I attribute this to the kind and compassionate staff with whom I work as well as each and every one of our residents.
The Center is a 100-bed, state-of-the-art Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Facility for the elderly and disabled. Our residents come from all walks of life with diverse religious and ethnic backgrounds; they range in age from 40 to 105. As you can imagine, it is difficult maintaining relationships with each one, but the EVS department has developed a straightforward approach: be caring, compassionate and knowledgeable.
Care, compassion and knowledge go a long way in making a person feel valued—especially for the elderly and disabled. When our staff shows the residents how much we care, it gives them a sense of comfort and security. From the fire and mechanical systems, to routine maintenance and housekeeping services, the goal of EVS is to maintain a safe home environment for all. I’ve always taken pride in the work that I do, but my work at the Leonard Florence Center for Living is unique and incredibly rewarding because of the bonds that are forged with the residents. We truly function as one big family. Most of all, I’m proud of the home we have created together.