January 12, 2021

Retired Fire Captain William Ridgely Honored

William Ridgley, a beloved resident at the Brudnick Center, was honored in Lexington on January 14 in conjunction with Black History Month. The virtual program, sponsored by the Association of Black Citizens of Lexington, unveiled portrait banners depicting prominent figures in African American history with a direct connection to Massachusetts.

Bill’s portrait will be displayed in Lexington Center from Thursday, January 14, 2021 through Monday, March 1, 2021, and then displayed annually after that.

Notably, Bill was one of the first African American fire department captains in the city of Cambridge. During his long and distinguished career as a firefighter and fire officer, Bill was widely respected in the community as well as a role model to so many people. To celebrate this prestigious occasion, the staff at Brudnick Center for Living held their own tribute featuring a home-made “fire engine” cake, a lively parade and an array of colorful balloons.

With his family in attendance via Zoom, the activities team at BCL made the day fun and festive. Michelle Ridgley, Bill’s daughter, noted that it was a proud moment for Bill and their family. “We are incredibly grateful to the Brudnick Center team for everything they did for my father. He felt kindness, appreciation and love from the entire staff. It was a very special day for all of us.”

Congratulations Bill!