Behind the Scenes at Leonard Florence Center for Living
It’s been a busy but very enjoyable month at Leonard Florence Center. On March 8, residents and staff celebrated International Women’s Day with creative decorations and lively discussions about what the day means to each person. Residents decided that the day is synonymous with tenacity, determination, perseverance and survival, focusing upon the achievements of women throughout the world. Each resident was also given a succulent plant, which was very appropriate as succulents remind us that we are stronger than we realize and can deal with even the most arduous situations.
Purim festivities will be in full swing on March 16 and March 17. One of the happiest Jewish holidays, the Center will be beautifully decorated in purple, green and gold. Traditional holiday foods such as kreplach and hamantashen pastries will be offered to residents and guests. We will also hold a Purim concert to celebrate this most joyous holiday.
We’ve started a new tradition by holding “Smoothie Socials” on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays before our morning exercise program! These social gatherings definitely help residents focus more on exercise, which is a “win-win” situation for all. And Trivial Pursuit, back by popular demand, is starting again on Thursdays.
It’s a wonderful feeling to celebrate birthdays in person again! Jimmy Honohan led a spirited concert in the café on March 14, honoring the following residents for their birthdays. Wishing you all a very happy birthday!
March Birthdays:
- Allayne C: March 10
- Ina R: March 14
- Jonathan B: March 15