Behind the Scenes at Katzman Family Center for Living

What better way to celebrate the end of summer than with a fun luncheon at the Cheesecake Factory, followed by a toured cruise across the Charles River? Residents relished delicious food, exceptional weather, and lively conversation. It was an enjoyable day for all.
We have been gearing up for the 14th Annual ALS & MS Walk for Living at the Leonard Florence Center that was held on Sunday, September 18. Here at Katzman, we used the second part of our Bazaar Sale to raise money for this event and promote ASL/MS awareness. It was a huge success with residents, staff and visiting family members joining together to support such a meaningful cause.
During our baking class this month, residents made mouth-watering mini apple pies and mini pizza’s. They were so delicious that no one could stop eating them!
Since Fall is right around the corner, residents have been busy creating paper pumpkins that will be displayed throughout the building. They will add festive bursts of color and definitely get people in the spirit.
When Jimmy Honahan and Bob Richman perform a concert for residents at Katzman, watch out! It seems that our staff members just can’t help themselves and get up on the dance floor every time! As always, fellow residents Richard Staskiewicz and Ruth Williams are the first to start it off. No doubt about it, residents and staff alike look forward to these concerts.