March 8, 2022

Behind the Scenes at Katzman Center for Living

We are finding our way back to holding communal events and for that both residents and staff are very grateful. There really is no substitute for in-person interaction.

Residents were excited to gather together for a jewelry making activity. Many got very creative with their earrings, necklaces and bracelets. In fact, Lillian Katz couldn’t wait to wear the earrings she made!

In observance of the Catholic holiday Ash Wednesday, resident Mary Carroll had her son, Father Micheal Carroll distribute ashes for her and fellow residents. We all appreciate his good will.

Purim festivities will be in full swing on March 16 and March 17. One of the happiest Jewish holidays, the Center will be beautifully decorated in purple, green and gold. Traditional holiday foods such as kreplach and hamantashen pastries will be offered to residents and guests. We will also hold a Purim concert to celebrate this most joyous holiday.

Fellow resident Charles Paul loves playing the harmonica and eagerly joined Jimmy Honohan during one of his recent concerts. She even performed a solo!  It was a very impressive performance.

Milestones are great to achieve —as in the case of Rosalie Sussman, who recently celebrated her 101st birthday with residents, staff members and entertainer Patty Vellucci. Rosalie noted that she’s most grateful for her “great health and wonderful family and friends.” Definitely one of the key factors to living a long life. Happy Birthday Rosalie!