Aviv Centers for Living named One of the Top Places to Work in Boston Globe Survey
Aviv Centers for Living, Swampscott and Peabody, has been named one of the Top Places to Work in Massachusetts in an employee-based survey conducted by The Boston Globe. The Globe 100’s Top Places to Work magazine was published in the Sunday Globe on November 8.
The Top Places to Work surveys employee opinions about company leadership, compensation and training, diversity, career development, and values. For profit as well as not for profit businesses were included.
The survey information was compiled by Workplace Dynamics. Aviv Centers for Living was ranked 15th on the overall list and placed fifth in businesses with medium sized workforces.
“I could not be more proud than for Aviv to have received this honor,” said Stephen Neff, President and CEO of Aviv Centers for Living. “Because of our employees, more than 400 strong, Aviv is able to offer the best in care to seniors on the North Shore. It is our goal to be an employer of choice and to offer our employees the opportunity to advance in their professions through Aviv.”
Aviv Centers for Living provides a continuum of care for seniors on the North Shore through, the Jewish Rehabilitation Center and Shapiro-Rudolph Adult Day Center in Swampscott, Woodbridge Assisted Living in Peabody, and Aviv HomeCare. For more information visit www.avivliving.org.