October 18, 2011

Aviv Centers for Living Assembles History Preservation and Artifacts Committee

Aviv Centers for Living has assembled a committee to preserve the organization’s rich 66 year history as it plans for its move to the Peabody campus in September 2012. “Aviv Centers for Living is here today because of the vision and dedication of its founders and supporters. We are so grateful that community leaders have stepped forward to help us preserve our rich history. We are excited to work with the Committee and the Jewish Historical Society of the North Shore to create a powerful exhibit that showcases the history of Aviv Centers for Living as well as the Jewish history of the North Shore,” said Stephen H. Neff, Aviv Centers for Living President and CEO.
The committee is engaged in establishing a meaningful way of preserving the organization’s rich history, legacy and spirit, finding a way to tell the history of Aviv and honoring those whose contributions and oversight contributed to the growth and prestige of the organization.
Aviv was founded in 1945 as the Jewish Convalescent Home (the Home) in Lynn.  It quickly earned a reputation as one of the finest, most caring facilities of its type on the North Shore.
“I have been a member of this organization, served on the board of directors and served as President of Friends of Aviv when it was called the Ladies Auxiliary of the Jewish Rehabilitation Center for Aged.  I feel that after all these years, we just can’t let the past disappear. No matter what changes are made in terms of name or location, I want to always be a part of Aviv,” notes committee member Georgie Sawyer.
Committee members include Estelle Cohen, Alan Kalikow, Lou Rudolph, Georgie Sawyer, Arlene Silverlieb and Hinda Sterling. If you have photographs, memorabilia or artifacts or information that are relevant to this project, contact David Romano at 781-598-5310 extension 1549 or dromano@avivliving.