January 13, 2010

Aviv Centers for Living Adds Geriatric Care Management

Aviv Centers for Living has added Geriatric Care Management (GCM) to its continuum of care which includes short- and long-term care, memory care, home care, adult day services and assisted living.
“Aviv Centers for Living has a sixty-five year history of responding to the needs of North Shore seniors with quality care and service. The growing population of older adults and the complexity of choices available to this group have created a growing demand for geriatric care management services. We are happy to offer Geriatric Care Management to elders and their families,” said Stephen H. Neff, President and Chief Executive Officer of Aviv Centers for Living.
Geriatric Care Managers can complete a thorough assessment of an older adult’s current level of functioning and examine his/her support systems and resources. They support the older adult and loved ones during all phases of decision-making and help them navigate through the maze of local and state resources. Services include: conducting care-planning assessments; screening; providing short or long-term eldercare assistance for those engaged in local or long distance caregiving; reviewing financial, legal, or medical issues and offering referrals to geriatric specialists; providing crisis intervention; acting as a liaison to families at a distance; assisting with moving an older person to or from a retirement complex, assisted care home, or nursing home; providing consumer education and advocacy and offering eldercare counseling and support.
“Seniors face a very confusing array of choices in attempting to navigate our complex health care system, understand how to obtain or make the best health care choices, and advocate for effective solutions. Geriatric Care Managers are the professionals who unscramble the complicated maze and provide this expertise in an efficient, cost effective manner,” says Matt Weinstock, Chief Operating Officer for Aviv Centers for Living.
GCMs at Aviv Centers for Living are licensed clinical social workers and are members of the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers. They have extensive knowledge concerning the availability of resources within our community as well as the quality and costs of such services.  Benefits of utilizing a GCM include personalized and compassionate service, continuity of care management, cost containment and quality control.
Aviv Center for Living’s GCSM’s team will be led Janice Glick, LICSW, C-ASWCM, Melissa Brady, LICSW, CSW-G, C-ASWCM, and Leslie Hazlett, LICSW, C-ASWCM.  The trio has extensive experience in the field in hospital settings, skilled nursing facilities, academia and the private sector and have delivered various workshops locally as well as nationally regarding elder care issues.
To learn more about GCM services, or to arrange a consultation, call 781-973-1553 or email gcm@avivliving.org.