September 13, 2021

What’s Happening at the Brudnick Center for Living

Residents painting at Brudnick Center for Living in Peabody, MassachusettsIt’s been a busy time at BCL this September. Our watercolor “Arts of Gold” painting class was a big success, with the residents creating some really beautiful paintings. Thank you to the talented Cindy Bugden, who taught the class and to our wonderful residents who participated in the class, including Linda Dubinsky, Sylvia Greenstein, Rose Pacak, Elaine Finkelstein, and Barbara Skinder.

Our Tiki Bar Party is back by popular request! The Tiki Bar travels to all the floors and across our campus, creating an “Islandly” atmosphere for our residents. Fancy drinks, snacks and games enhance the tropical atmosphere.

For our Jewish residents, High Holy Day services were held to celebrate Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Services were streamed for all of our residents. Coming up: live Sukkot Services will also be conducted on the North Shore Campus.

Dan Tremblay, local filmmaker who has produced dozens of films about local history, events and even ghosts, will be visiting the residents. His music, dance and comedy documentaries are both informative and entertaining, always followed by lively discussions. Lastly, the residents are looking forward to baking, bowling, and arts & crafts projects. Clearly, there is always something going on at the Brudnick Center for Living.