Behind the Scenes at Kaplan Estates and Brudnick Center for Living
Residents on the entire Peabody Campus were treated to interactive performances by Sheila Vitale, a virtuoso violinist who has been with the Boston Ballet for over 55 years. Sheila’s repertoire is diverse, as she played “Name That Tune’ with residents, performing songs by the Beetles, Frank Sinatra, Elvis, and other artists of the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. Our sincere thanks to Sheila for making her violin sing and bringing such joy to our residents. Ellen Gordon, Director of Resident Life for Chelsea Jewish Lifecare, commented on Sheila’s graciousness. “She actually came to visit multiple times, playing at Kaplan one day, and then coming back to play at Brudnick, first on the second floor and then on the fourth floor,” remarked Ellen, adding that “Sheila was truly phenomenal!”
On the entertainment front, resident Manny Gassman accompanied entertainer Jimmy Honohan on the drums. In his youth, Manny had his own band, the “Manny Gassman Orchestra,“ playing at weddings and Bar Mitzvahs. Manny, you’ve still got it!
Zumba classes, which take place on alternating Fridays at both Kaplan and BCL, are becoming quite popular. Even staff joins in! Dancing and exercise make the perfect combo.
Thanks to the generosity of Trader Joe’s, residents on our north shore campus enjoy a breath of springtime in the middle of winter. Trader Joe’s regularly donates fresh flowers to our campus, which we use for our flower arrangement activity.
Residents and staff enjoyed a spirited Purim celebration. Rabbi Nechemia Schusterman read the Megillah, the staff put on a fabulous costume parade contest while resident judges were hidden in the audience. Everyone ate delicious Hamantashen and watched a Purim shpiel video based on the music from Mama Mia that was performed by Swampscott congregation Shirat Hayam. Be sure to look at the photos in this newsletter.
While our Activities and Dietary departments work together to create nutritious menus and fun activities on our North Shore campus, we also strengthen our bonds off campus as well. Residents and staff spent an evening out at “Wicked Axe,” with an evening of food, drink and games. And yes, Axe Throwing Tournaments ARE a thing!