Care Plan Meeting
Our goal at Chelsea Jewish Lifecare is to foster residents’ autonomy and decision making while always striving for optimum health.
An important part of achieving this objective is to involve the resident, family, and our interdisciplinary team in a quarterly Care Plan meeting to review and update your loved one’s care plan. Your knowledge of your family member’s unique needs is vital to a well-rounded care plan, and we strongly recommend your participation.
Because we are not able to invite you to attend in person at this time due to visitor restrictions related to COVID-19 pandemic, we are offering families the opportunity to attend virtually via Zoom or a conference call. Please look for the appropriate building to schedule a time, and look for a confirmation email from Legacy Lifecare Chelsea Jewish Lifecare & JGS Lifecare with more instructions about your appointment after you submit your information.
Each resident’s Care Plan meeting is scheduled for 15 minutes. Please include any questions or concerns below so that the team can be prepared to address them during the meeting. If more time is needed, your family member’s Social Worker will assist in making appropriate arrangements.